Willem H Van Boom (1969) acquired his law degree at the University of Amsterdam (1992) and his doctorate at Tilburg University (1999). Since 2002, he has held full professorships at universities including Rotterdam and Durham (UK). Since 2022, Van Boom is professor of law at Nijmegen Law School, Radboud University.

Van Boom's research interests cover the broad field of property, contracts, torts & insurance and consumer law. He regularly expands his horizon by working with social science scholars, legal historians and law and economics experts.

Van Boom is currently on the editorial board of the leading Dutch Journal of Civil Law, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht (NTBR). Van Boom is an independent academic; he regularly does consultancy work and sits in several boards and advisory panels.




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Projects in progress


  • Autonomy, transparency and fairness in commercial practices
  • Markt en Privaatrecht, 2e druk
  • Algemene Leerstukken van Verbintenissenrecht (course book)






  • Bestuurslid Stichting Onderzoek Collectieve Actie (OCA), Den Haag; Board member of the Foundation Collective Redress Research (2016-present)
  • Raadsheer-plaatsvervanger Gerechtshof Arnhem/Leeuwarden; Deputy Justice in the Court of Appeal Arnhem/Leeuwarden (2021-present)
  • Various legal opinions